Documenti della Commissione sulla valutazione della direttiva ELV

On the ELV revision, two days ago the Commission published the official Staff Working Document on the evaluation (see attached).

In regard to the future revision process: the Impact Assessment (IA) process was launched in January this year, this has contracted Oeko-Institut (and Mehlhart Consulting) to provide a consultant report on the topic. This Impact Assessment will include the creation of various measures, literature reviews and finally stakeholder consultation (usually in the form of public and targeted consultations and workshops).

The public consultation is due to be launched by the end of March (c. 2 weeks). We were in contact with the Commission and the consultancy team and they noted that they are still aiming for this timeline, however it’s possible it will be released in early April.

The targeted consultations will take place at some point during 2Q of this year. The Workshops are envisaged to take place during 3Q of this year.

The consultants report should then be finalized in January 2022, with the follow up of a Commission legislative proposal in 2Q 2022.

In regard to thematic focus of the revision: we don’t have a clear understanding of the exact measures that will be focused on. However in January, this year, following the launch of the consultants contract, the Commission presented possible options for review. This is based on the results of the evaluation. As such it is possible many of these concepts will be the foundation of measures in the IA. However for now we can’t guarantee that all of these issues will be covered. EuRIC presented these options for review, please see an image from our slide on this below:


Download the official Staff Working Document:
ELVD Evaluation SWD ELVD Evaluation SWD Summary

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